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We're Shaping the Future of AI & Data Governance through Innovative Solutions.

If you're passionate about technology, committed to excellence, and ready to make a tangible impact in the AI industry, we're looking for you!

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Our Mission

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Our mission

We're not just a company; we're a movement. At Polygraf, we're committed to creating a workplace where talent thrives, innovation is standard, and AI shapes a better future for all.

Anton Stepaniuk

Co-Founder & CMO
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Why work at Polygraf?

Be a part of something bigger.

Join us in our quest to build a digital landscape where everyone can benefit from AI technology without compromising safety and privacy.


  • Innovative Environment

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    Work at the forefront of AI technologies, transforming the way organizations work in the future.
  • Continuous Learning

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  • Inclusive Culture

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  • Competitive Benefits

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Why Polygraf ?
How we hire?

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We believe in an equitable hiring process that is as transparent and engaging as it is thorough.

We hire people who are great at what they do, but also foster a spirit of diversity, collaboration, and innovation.

Our Products
Building A safer future
  • 01

    Application Review

    Submit your resume and cover letter.; every application is thoughtfully considered by our recruitment team.
  • 02

    Initial Interview

    Shortlisted candidates will have an informal chat with our team to discuss experience, skills, and understanding Polygraf AI's mission.
  • 03

    Technical Assessment

    Depending on the role, you may be asked to complete a technical task or problem-solving exercise to showcase your expertise.
  • 04

    Team Interview

    Meet the team! This stage helps us understand how you'd fit into the team dynamic, and gives you a taste of our working environment.
  • 05

    Offer & Onboarding

    Successful candidates will receive an offer followed by a comprehensive onboarding program to integrate seamlessly into our team.

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