You are invited to use the most detailed AI Detector tool out there!
Sign up now and receive the following perks:
- 1500 tokens that will renew each month for 12 months.
- A Free Plan with 2500 monthly tokens, that will renew each month.
- For every friend you invite, receive an additional 2500 tokens that renew each month for 12 months.
*Get total of 6500 tokens for free every month if you meet the above conditions!
Features That Get You Results.
Experience unparalleled content analysis with our top-tier AI-powered tool.
AI Detector
Distinguish between human-generated and AI-generated or AI-modified content with confidence scores between 0% and 100%.
Source Detector
Identify which AI models were used to create content. Supports Open AI (ChatGPT 3.5, 4), Google Gemini, Meta Llama 3, Mistral AI and Claude.
Humanized Text Analysis
Analyze text to detect content that mimics human comprehension, while considering context, nuances, and sensitivities.
Copyright Detector
Detects the source of the content, providing URLs and exact sentence or phrase matches from the source.
YouTube Context Analysis
The only AI detection tool that offers contextual analysis of YouTube content. Simply provide the YouTube URL, and our tool will do the rest.
Deception Filter
Detect intentional and unintentional text edits aimed at deceiving users, such as empty spaces between words and deliberate grammatical errors.
Writing Analysis
Get insights into the structure of online text, including perplexity, readability, vocabulary richness, syntactic tree depth, average sentence length, and average word length.
Trust & Data Security
We don’t train our models on your data. This means we never store your information, making Polygraf 100% secure and reliable.
The Best Detection Accuracy
Our AI tools boast an impressive >98% accuracy rate in internal tests, setting a benchmark in the industry. Polygrad is trusted by businesses and governments worldwide.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Have Question? We are here to help:
Click on the referral link shared by your friend, and sign up for Polygraf AI. Your account will automatically be credited with 1500 gift tokens.
By joining through a referral link, you will receive 1500 gift tokens that you can use to access advanced AI content detector features.
Yes, once you have signed up and created an account. Your unique referral link can be found on the referral section of the Content Detection page OR under the ‘AI Extension’ tab of the AI Content Detector Chrome Extension. Simply copy and share it with your friends. You will receive 2500 gift tokens for each friend you refer, credited to your account every month for 12 consecutive months. You can refer as many friends as you want. For eg. If you invite 10 friends that sign up, you'll receive 25000 tokens every month for a year!
No, joining through a referral link does not incur any additional cost. You will receive 1500 gift tokens as a bonus for signing up through a referral.
Gift tokens expire at the end of the month and are not carried over to the following month. Your account will receive a new set of tokens at the beginning of each month.
If you have any questions, please contact us.